Thursday, 17 April 2008

Getting comfortable with RSD - A good read for RSD patients!!

So its time you started getting in tune with your body. What does that mean? Pain is a signal for you to pay attention, tune into the here an now. Try to live in the moment and realize that your body needs you to pay attention!
RSD is a debilitating illness and it plays havoc with you body. There are many alternatives to the way in which we can respond to what is going on. So let's get comfortable, as best you can.
Learn to become more aware of what is truly taking place within your own body. Keeping a diary/pain journal is a good guide for you to follow and look back at. Most of us can't begin to remember all of the different things that we experience daily from this chronic condition. So start writing and reading your own journal, after all it's your story too. This will be a great asset to you when you go to your doctor and therapy appointments.
Now you are becoming aware of the variety of movements, positions and activities that disrupt your well being. Learning how to cope with them will take time and patience. Your central nervous system is in a state of terror and it's on a heightened state of alert. Each of us will respond uniquely to the medicines and treatments we attempt. Remember the level of sensitivity will be traumatized and alerted greatly.
Our bodies are totally interconnected, like fine tuned computers. But RSD has our systems going haywire. Let s start to use some common remedies and consider how we can react.
For instance if any part of your body is cold, has a spasm/ache, or is stiff and tight putting it into some warm water, can help change the way its feels. When I travel I take a hot water bottle fill it up with boiling water and it keeps me warm and cozy for hours. You can fill the bottle about half way and squeeze the extra air out before you close it up; this allows the bottle to be positioned more comfortably around your body.
Soaking in a bath with Epson Salts can often relax you and give you some relief as well. I also use a moist Thermophore electric heating pad, on many different areas of my body. Heat is very soothing and can help loosen up stiff, tightened muscles. A paraffin wax machine can also be used for hands and feet, as this is also a good way to warm up some stiff/tight extremities.
You're sensitive to the touch of objects around you. So realize that you need to compromise with your own body. Using pillows or very soft pieces of foam can help you position yourself for comfort. There are many stores and places on the internet where you can purchase a variety of items that can bring you some well needed comfort.
Sometimes we are used to certain things and we do not realize that it's all about changing the pattern. Start to employ different items for your body needs. Take them with you wherever you go, after all RSD knows no boundaries!
The clothes that we wear are made of many different textures of fabric. Try to find out what feels good on your body! I have discovered that with the extreme sensitivity from RSD, I am more comfortable in softer fabrics. Surround yourself with clothing, towels and bedding that you can feel comfortable with. Part of your daily responses to the environment in which you live can be adjusted, by many simple changes. Realize that your body will communicate with you if you let it.
Learning to live and get some what comfortable with RSD will require your continued involvement and attention. Becoming aware and tuning into your bodies signals will help you on your path to healing.

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